April 1, 2023 – Best April Fool’s Day Ever!

Somehow the winter of 2022-23 kept flying by, and before I knew it April was upon us. Patrol 2 was on the schedule for April fool’s day, so Shaun and I headed up early to prepare for what was shaping up to be a good day. The forecast was calling for several inches of new snow overnight, and by the time we arrived it was looking deep!

A powder morning outside the patrol room

There was a least a foot of new, and it continued to snow all through our morning meeting. We headed out the door to the patrol room a few minutes after 8:00 am, and it was clear it was going to be a bit before EPA started spinning. Patrollers were lined up at the bottom of the lift, and I snapped a few pictures before walking up to the race shack to help Brian and Tyler with the fencing.

Some of the crew at the base of EPA
Wrestling the Race Shack fencing before opening

Walking up to the snack, I knew it was going to be a great day, and with each step we post-holed up to our knees in fresh powder. Tyler took one side and Brian grabbed the other, and we rolled out the fencing and worked to get it setup. I snapped a few pictures of the action, and it was hilarious watching Brian wallowing in the snow.

Brian taking a break
Setting up the fencing

Brian started on one end and I worked up from the other, and soon we had it setup. We strapped in and made some fun turns back down to the lift, and it sounded like it would only be a few minutes until we were able to load.

Fencing up!
Waiting to load EPA

The liftline was growing, and once we got the go-ahead for patrol to load, I made sure we let the lift ops know that we wanted to get to the top of EPA to start our avalanche work on RTS before public loaded the chair. 10 minutes later at the top of the hill, I radioed down to dispatch that we had shoved off and that public could load.

The lineup ahead of opening
Anna opening RTS

I took Anna and Patrick over to RTS with the goal of showing them how we ski cut the slope during avalanche conditions, and Brian, Tyler and Jon headed over to Peak 2 to start on the avy routes on the backside. We eased our way into RTS and were able to get a little snow to slide on the cornice above Success, and one by one ski cut the slope. The snow was surprisingly stable, and after a few traverses across the run we were halfway down and able to ski the side of the run out.

Anna ripping pow on RTS
Patrick enjoying the pow after controlling RTS

The snow was super nice, and easily one of my top three runs down RTS all season. I snapped several pictures of Anna and Patrick as they headed down, and everyone had a huge grin on their faces at the bottom.

April pow at the Pass

After opening RTS and Ambers, we headed down to the base, rode the chair back to the top, and headed over to Peak 2 to work on getting the backside open. Anna and Patrick hiked to the top to take the lower avy route above Gravity Chute, and I hiked with them with the goal of helping Tyler and Jon on the upper route.

Heading up to Peak 2
Anna taking a quick break at the top
Tyler working on the end of the rope

Once at the top of Peak 2, I worked my way over to the upper route and found Tyler on the end of the rope with Jon belaying. I was hoping we would get to see some big slides, but the snow was surprisingly stable given the significant depth, and we mostly got a few larger sloughs to run but no major slabs.

Jon on the belay
Tyler dropping in to cut the slope

The first belay went quickly, and Tyler and Jon worked to get the second anchor setup quickly to start the second belay. A few minutes later, Tyler was on the rope again and working on the lower half of the route…

Bringing in the rope for the 2nd belay
Heading down for the lower part of the route

We finished the route rather quickly, and radioed to Anna and Patrick that we’d down in the meadow shortly and that they could begin their control work on Gravity.

Jon running the belay
Brian overseeing the operations

Once our control work was over, it was time to make some fresh turns in the meadow, one of my favorite parts about doing the avy route. I dropped in first and then setup to shoot a few shots of the guys as they came down. Below is a sample of a few of the primo turns we encountered….

Blasting through the trees
Brian ripping a turn in the meadow
Jon’s enjoying the cold smoke
Waist deep snow on April fool’s day

At the bottom of the meadow, I radioed to dispatch that we were ready for the backside to open, and I knew it was only a matter of a few minutes before the masses would descend on Peak 2 en masse. We took a brief minute at the bottom of the chair to catch our breath, help make sure everything was in order with the fencing, and then loaded up for the top.

The buried Peak 2 chair
John and the Peak 2 crew

About the time we reached tower 3 or so, the public came over the roll on Escalator and we could hear the whooping from the top.

The masses descending on Peak 2

At the top, Brian and I met up with Shannon, and we decided to take a run in the trees between Down Under and June’s. It was a great decision, as the photos below show….

Brian catching some air in the glades
Shannon entering the white room
Shannon in the white room
Shannon exiting the white room

We made a couple of more laps on the backside, and then took the avalanche gear back to the aid room. We got busy with a few incidents in the mid-morning, and then I managed to find time for a quick lunch around 1:00 pm before heading out to finish out the day. Brian switched out of his patrol coat since he wasn’t technically on duty for the day, and we decided it was worth riding the trees between Success and Timburr. It was another good decision…

Airing it out in the Success-Timburr trees
Shannon calling Brian on the radio

We momentarily lost Brian, and as usual he was already down at the base by the time we decided to call him on the radio to find out his whereabouts. Shannon and I rode down and caught up with him, and then I spun another lap up to the top and headed to Peak 2 to check out the snowcat that was broke down near the top of Escalator.

A broken snowcat at the top of Escalator

I finished the day by working tower pads on EPA with Gretchen, and between our work and a few others, we had the whole place looking good by the end of the day.

Gretchen working on tower pads

The rest of the afternoon went off without a hitch, including sweep on Peak 2, upper mountain and lower mountain, and everyone was in a joyful mood for the evening meeting. I pulled out my now famous bean dip from the microwave, and we enjoyed some good food and beers after a great day. My beer of choice for the evening was a very tasty Magnetic Fields from Fort George Brewery.

Magnetic Fields from Fort George Brewery
Amber and Greg after a great day

After a half hour or so of visiting and hanging out with patrol, it was time to close up the patrol room and make sure all the incident reports were in order. When those tasks were completed, I grabbed Shaun and we loaded up the truck. It was still snowing when we left, and was a fitting end to probably my best April fool’s day of turns ever!

Shaun at the end of the day

Here’s a parting shot of Anna skiing RTS in some perfect powder!

Parting shot of Anna

March 11-12, 2023 – A Heavy Weekend on Patrol

The weekend of March 11-12 started out like many others on patrol, with some fresh snow and expectations of a good day on the hill. As usual, I made the drive up early to the Pass with Shaun, and arrived before 7:30 am to get the patrol room unlocked and ready to go. A short time later, the rest of the crew arrived, and soon after we kicked the day off with our morning meeting.

Patrick running the ridge

The plan for the morning was to get a couple of our patrollers who were avalanche certified but hadn’t spent much time on our avalanche route out for some training, and we did just that after opening the front side of the hill. With the saddle closed while we worked to get the route done and the runs open, Tyler, Patrick and I headed out run the route, making the short hike to the top of Peak 2 and then ski cutting our way down one at a time to the ridge above June’s Run.

Controlling the nose with Tyler

After working our way along the ridge cutting cornices and getting some snow to run, we arrived at the Nose and pulled out the rope to setup the anchor and ski cut the slope while on belay. Tyler volunteered to go on the sharp end while I belayed, and Patrick took my camera and snapped a few pictures of the action.

Belaying Tyler on the avy route
Heading out the ridge on belay

After controlling the Nose, Tyler headed on out the ridge and made a few ski cuts, and then we pulled the rope and anchor and headed down to the second anchor point. From there, it was a quick discussion about setting up the anchor system again, and then we skied into the Meadow, following safe protocols on our way to the rendezvous point at the treeline skier’s right at the bottom of the meadow.

Scoring the goods after control work

At the bottom of the Meadow, we discussed the route, and then headed down to the lift to hitch a ride back to the top. As we were departing, Ian came down through the Meadow, so I snapped a couple of pics as he descended.

Ian enjoying the Meadow

At the top of Peak 2, I ran into Silas, Edward and Shaun, and was able to convince them to pose for a picture before I headed down to the base with the avy pack and gear.

Silas, Edward and Shaun at the top of Peak 2

While on the way down, near the bottom, a call came over the radio that no patroller wants to hear — a report of an unresponsive skier who collapsed in the lift line at the base. Being that I was just at the Race Shack, I was the closest patroller in the vicinity, so I let the crew know that I would respond, but as Hill Chief I wanted to have another patroller be first on as soon as they could relieve me. Chris radioed that he was near the top of Twilight and would be right down, so I headed down and found one of our Mountain Hosts near the patient in the middle of the lift line on what turned out to be our busiest day of the year. Without getting into details, the patient wasn’t breathing and had a faint pulse (that went to no pulse a couple of minutes later), so I immediately made the call to dispatch and asked for an ambulance and LifeFlight. Long story short, over the next 45 minutes to an hour, a team of patrollers led by Shannon and Chris, as well as a couple of bystanders, provided CPR and much other care and support for the patient before they ultimately left the area via LifeFlight. The rest of the day was spent cleaning up the scene and restocking our BLS packs, documenting what happened, rehashing and debriefing the incident, and getting the hill closed for the day. Needless to say, the incident weighed heavily on everyone who was involved, but all things considered, I was incredibly proud of how our our team handled the situation. From the patrollers involved to the Mountain Hosts that provided assistance to the SPY that closed Sleepy and helped prepare the LZ, everyone did their part. Several days later, we learned our patient would make a full recovery, which is nothing short of remarkable.

Shaun ready to close Waldo

The last couple of hours of the day were somewhat of a blur, but we managed to get the hill closed and then had a larger debrief meeting after our regular routine evening meeting. After such a difficult day, I was definitely in the mood for a cold one, and a tasty Shred Kindly hazy IPA from Oakshire Brewing helped take the edge off.

A tasty hazy IPA from Oakshire

Eventually, it was time to close the patrol room up for the afternoon, and after reviewing the incident reports and documentation, Shaun and I headed down to the valley, exhausted from a long day. The following morning, Shaun was eager to head back to the Pass with a couple of his friends. After the heavy day the day before, I can’t say I shared his desire, but nevertheless we headed up. When we arrived at the patrol room, Patrol 3 was discussing the previous day’s incident and getting ready to open the hill.

Meghan outside the patrol room on a nice morning

With Shaun skiing with his friends, I wasn’t super stoked on heading out immediately, and instead opted to work with Laurie and the toboggan crew who were up for RTS belay training. It was a great way to take my mind off the previous day’s incident, and a good refresher since it had been a few years since I last ran through it. We started off with the anchor setup and belay device in the aid room, then moved up to the top of the hill to practice there.

Running through the RTS Belay setup
Trial run-through near the top of EPA

It was a good refresher, and I was enjoying just being around patrol. A few minutes before we headed back to the top to get ready for the real thing on RTS, I saw Shaun unload the chair with Jesse and Henry, and skied a lap with them down Good Time…

Jesse, Shaun and Henry on Good Time

After our run, we spun back around to the top of EPA and I was just in time to catch the group as they were ready to depart with the sled down to RTS. Ian grabbed the handles and Jenn was on the tail rope, and we headed off to the belay tree.

Ian running the sled down to the belay tree
Holding the sled on RTS

A few moments later, we had the run closed and the crew had the sled staged, the anchor setup and the belay on. 

Jenn holding the tailrope
The RTS Belay Sled anchored up
Tyler and Ian on RTS
Laurie surveying the anchor setup

Once the anchor was setup and the belay was on, folks took turns in the handles as well as running the belay system. Tyler headed down first, and the others followed. Eventually everyone had a turn and Gretchen brought the sled to the bottom of RTS after the belay was taken off.

Belaying the sled down RTS
Ian and Gretchen near the bottom

We pulled the rope down, flaked it back into the pack, and headed down to the base with the pack and sled in tow. I went in to eat lunch, then spent the rest of the day making turns with Shaun, Henry and Jesse. It got pretty wet towards the end of the day, so we left a few minutes ahead of closing. On the drive down, I reflected on the weekend, and although it was a challenging one, I was happy with how the events unfolded, as well as the great people on patrol that I was fortunate enough to share them with.

Ian and Tyler stacking the rope post-belay

Feb 26-Mar 2 – Tam McArthur Rim

The end of February was rolling around, and that meant it was time for the annual hut trip with the crew to Tam McArthur Rim. The conditions this year were looking to be all-time, and the stoke factor was high as we headed out from the valley. I headed over with Andy after meeting in Springfield, and the drive up highway 126 was quite slow with about an inch of slushy snow the whole way. We made a quick pit stop in Sisters to get some food, and saw Brian, Shannon, Hutch and Brad there as well. A few minutes later, we all ended up at the Upper Three Creeks Snopark. It didn’t take long to unload our gear, sign waivers, pack the sleds and get ready to head out.

The 2023 crew ready to head in

Jonas and Gabe drove the sleds while the crew mushed, and I could tell it was going to be a good trip. Not only was the forecast calling for snow throughout our trip, but there was a couple of feet of fresh snow already on the ground from the past couple of days. After a quick avalanche debriefing, we unloaded our gear in the huts and headed out.

Brian approaching the ridge
Chase getting some pow shots

We worked our way up to the Playground and split into a couple of groups from there. Brian, Jon, Chase, John, Tyler and I headed over to the Jelly Roll to check out the snow, and were rewarded with endless face shots. Hutch led a group up towards East Peak, and it sounded like they had perfect conditions as well.

Jon enjoying the pow
Jon looking on

As usual, I had my camera along and took a ton of shots of the action. In fact, during this trip I ended up with a few thousand shots, of which a number ended up in this trip report!

Tyler surfing the pow
Tyler stoked on the conditions
Brian and Tyler enjoying a break in the action

On the way down from the Jelly Roll, Brian wanted to hit a cliff in the Dan Bowl, so we worked our way over to the spot and I captured the below shot of Brian going big. The picture doesn’t do the cliff justice, as it was at least 25 feet.

Brian airing it out in the Dan bowl
Chase heading down through the pow

From there, our group made the decision to head back up for another lap. We reutilized the existing skin track up to the ridge, and then headed over for a lap down some good looking snow. I fired off several more shots, including the ones below…

Brian floating through the storm
Ripping a heelside turn
John and Tyler all smiles after numerous face shots
Debris in the Playground
Skinning into the light

After a few laps in the area, we decided to put a skin track in up to the top of the Proboscis and get a few turns in there. The snow on the face wasn’t bad, but there was a bit of a crust about a foot down, so we decided it would be one and done after we skied it.

Brian cranking some more pow turns
One of many pow slashes

With our itch scratched for the Proboscis, we headed over for one more lap in the Playground. Brian, Tyler and I headed out a bit further to ride a fun line on the west side, and Brian dropped in while I stayed up top and snapped some pictures. Tyler dropped next, and then I headed down last. We regrouped at the bottom in a safe zone, and it was a great place to drink a tasty IPA from Crux Fermentation Project.

Dropping into a nice line
A tasty Crux IPA

Soon the beer was gone and it was time to head back to the huts. We traversed across the lower part of the Playground and worked our way back through the trees, coming out by the spring and the wood shed. The rest of the crew was already back and had the appetizers out. After taking care of my gear and getting skins set out by the fire to dry, it was time to kick back and relax. A little later, everyone gathered in the Owl hut, where Brian and Shannon made a dinner of salmon and pasta that hit the spot!

Prepping the salmon for the grill

The rest of the evening was spent enjoying the company and playing “What do you Meme?”, which had everyone pretty much in stitches. Eventually, everyone retired to bed for the night, and we woke to a few inches of fresh snow on the ground the next morning. I was up early to keep the fire stoked, and Mark was already out shoveling snow, along with Jim and Brad

Morning shoveling duty
Hutch and Brad in the early morning
The view from the wood shed
Hutch on shoveling duty

Before long, the others were up as well and breakfast making commenced. The offering for the morning consisted of hashbrowns, eggs, and bacon, and after enjoying the food and doing a round of dishes, we were ready to hit the skin track in search of more fresh snow.

Shovel work before breakfast
The crew ready for day 2

We did a quick beacon check as we headed out from the huts, and then worked our way up through the forest on the previous day’s skin track. Like the day before, we split into a couple of groups, and I set a skin track out towards the Proboscis. Because we were on a different route, we elected to skin over and forgo the top, wanting to get out to the Orchard Bowl early since it looked like this might be the only day the weather would allow it.

On the skin track
Change over below the Proboscis

We pulled skins near our turns from the day prior, and enjoyed our first turns of this day on our way over to the Orchard Bowl. The snow was perfect, and everyone was stoked on the ride down.

John skiing below the Proboscis
Adam enjoying some soft snow
Jon’s turn heading down
Tyler’s turn

As usual, I snapped a bunch of photos of everyone as they ripped down. One by one they came through, everyone entering in and out of the white room with each turn….

Chase ripping
Surf turns
More pow turns
Harvesting some quality pow pow
Catching a little air
The crew at the bottom

Finally we made our way to the bottom, and enjoyed a quick snack while transitioning back to the skins. Then it was off to the west, and I put in a familiar skin track up through the smaller trees dividing the two main sections of the Orchard Bowl.

Skinning up the Orchard Bowl
Almost ready to drop

We set a nice skinner to the top, and it started getting deep. There weren’t any signs of instabilities, but all of us were a bit wary of the large cornices looming precariously above us. After finding a suitable place to stop, we stomped out a platform and pulled the skins and readied to drop in. Once everyone had “eyes on,” Fisher headed down first, and then I followed. I headed partway down and the snow was great. Jon and Chase came down after me, followed by the rest of the crew.

Jon dropping into the Orchard Bowl
Waist deep in the Orchard Bowl
Chase getting pitted
Looking up at the Orchard Bowl

At the bottom, we we regrouped and headed back up for another lap. The skin up was quite a bit quicker on the second go-around, and before long we were back at our drop-in point and ready to send it down the hill again.

Adam and Tyler on the ascent

This time I was game to try skier’s left of our skin track, and I dropped in first. The turns were choice, and like the previous lap, I stopped halfway down in a safe spot and waited for the others to shoot some pics. Tyler came down first, followed by Adam and Chase.

Tyler ripping in the Orchard Bowl
Adam working the trees

I captured several shots of Chase, and he was really ripping as he came down. As it turns out, he went a little too fast, and I laughed as he biffed right in front of the camera…

Chase on lap number 2
Biffing it halfway down

After Chase recovered and headed down, Adam continued on down and I shot a few pics of him ripping the perfect snow. Then I put the camera away and headed down to join the crew.

Surfing below the rim

At the bottom, it seemed like a perfect time to pull out a beer and enjoy a taste before heading up for a third lap. My beer of choice for the day was a Knockout Stout from Oblivion Brewing Company, and it was super refreshing.

Knockout Stout from Oblivion Brewing
Tracks in the Orchard Bowl

After drinking about half of my beer and eating part of my sandwich, I was ready to head up again, and we donned skins and headed out. The weather was holding, and visibility remained good as we worked our way up the familiar track to the top.

The gang up top
John getting the pow
Jon getting pitted
Scoring some third lap pow

We made good use of our third lap in the bowl, dropping in and taking skiers left for this run. As before, the snow didn’t disappoint, and we ripped it to the bottom.

Near the bottom of the bowl
The crew ready to head to the Playground

At the bottom, we made the decision to head over to the Playground to catch a quick lap before heading back to the huts for the evening. That went as planned, and a while later we strolled in to the huts, where the outdoor fire was already going as were the appetizers.

Enjoying the fire at the huts
The gang ready for night 2

Hutch was on for dinner, and served up some of the best tasting homemade ravioli anyone could remember (at least since last year when he made it for most of us for the first time), and we enjoyed some margarita’s along with another game — this time it was Poetry for Neanderthals — a pretty hilarious game! After everyone had had enough drinks and laughs, we headed off to hit the bunks.

Morning view from the woodshed
Splitboards in the wood trailer

The following morning, we woke to 18-20 inches of super light, perfect 16 degree powder. The snow was nothing short of phenomenal. We cooked up a tasty breakfast, restocked the wood, stoked the fire, and made a beeline for the skin track.

Early morning at the huts


The Owl hut door
Looking out in the morning
Ready to head out for powfest

Given the amount and quality of the snow, and the fact that it was basically puking, we elected to head up to East Peak and assess the conditions from there. The skin track was pretty much gone, but with our crew it wasn’t too much work to the put the track in. Skinning up through the deep snow reminded me of some pretty epic years when I first came into the huts 12-13 years ago.

Shannon on the skin track
Chase getting pitted
Andy floating through the pow

As we arrived at the top of East Peak, we switched over to ride mode and dropped in. I caught some of the best photos of the trip over the course of the next couple of runs, including several of the shots below….

Andy’s turn for powfest
Skiing down East Peak
Shannon ripping a pow turn
Waist deep blower pow
Shannon ripping

I caught a good sequence of Shannon riding down towards me, and the snow was so deep that when she rode past and stopped, she fell over and sank in basically up to her neck!

Neck deep in pow
Brian all smiles near the bottom
Brian and Tyler
The crew ready for another lap

The conditions were definitely pretty all-time, and we wasted little time heading back up to put in another lap. More deep turns followed, along with a bunch more pictures….

Brad getting fully pitted
Pow slash on East Peak
Brian surfing the no-board
Shannon enjoying run number 2
Floating on the Hovercraft

Down at the bottom, we ripped skins again and headed back up. For a few fleeting moments as we headed up, it stopped snowing, and allowed just enough visibility for us to try our hand on the east side of the Jelly Roll. Hasty tests showed it to be stable, and the lack of wind associated with this storm laid the snow on the slope perfectly, so we dropped in and let ‘er rip.

Heading up for a Jelly Roll lap
Tyler and Shannon running the ridge to the Jelly Roll
Andy pit deep in the Jelly Roll
Adam in the Jelly Roll
Surfing the pow
Shannon during a rare moment when it wasn’t puking

The turns were perfect, and we worked our way to the bottom one by one before donning skins and heading back up to do it again.

Shannon and Brad back atop the Jelly Roll

After a quick break, we dropped in again and I took dozens of photos of the skiers and riders coming down. Several of the shots are below….

Tyler absolutely ripping the pow
Tyler shredding
Brad armpit deep
Blower snow in the Jelly Roll
Andy scoring some all-time snow
Shannon during a brief moment of sunshine

Lap after lap ensued, and I honestly forgot how many laps we put in during the morning and into the afternoon. I continued to shoot photos and we continued to harvest the snow in what most of us would describe as probably one of our top 10 days of all time….

Brian surfing the no-board
Andy ripping the pow
Another pow shot
Andy entering the white room
Tyler riding the white wave

Eventually, we decided to move on from the Jelly Roll and a few of our crew headed back to the huts. Not wanting to be done quite yet, Brian, Tyler and I headed over to the Playground to get another line in. It was a bit of effort to get there, but definitely worth it in the end.

Heading to the Playground
Brian’s line on the no-board
Looking back at our Playground line

At the bottom, we topped off the day by enjoying a cold beer, and I was happy to pull out a cold Coconut Hiwa Porter from Maui Brewing Co. that I’d brought back from a trip to Hawaii in November. After enjoying our beer and our line, we skinned out from the Playground and found Hutch coming down as well.

Coconut Hiwa Porter from Maui Brewing
Hutch scoring some pow in the Playground

From there, it was a quick ride back to the huts via the skin track and we settled in for the evening, having thoroughly enjoyed one of the best ski days of our lives. Hutch prepared dinner again, and it was awesome. Another round of games and margaritas hit the spot, and before long it was time to hit the bunk as we were all anticipating a big day in the morning with the weather forecast calling for clear skies, cold temps and sunshine.

A beautiful morning from the top of the Prow
Zoomed view of North Sister

The following morning did indeed dawn clear and cold, and after whipping up a breakfast of hash browns and eggs, we hit the skin track with thoughts of touring in mind. As we climbed higher towards the Rim, the views didn’t disappoint, and it was awesome to see the peaks and terrain we’d been skiing the last few days but couldn’t really see.

Broken Top in the distance
Brian and Shannon in front of North Sister

As usual, the view from the top of the Prow was spectacular, and it was nice to capture the views from the top of the Rim with the whole crew. In addition to taking a number of scenic shots, Andy captured a group shot (below) as well as a shot of me.

Looking out from the top of the Prow
Tam Rim View
Matt above the Animal Bowl
The crew on top of the Prow

After milling about on the Prow for a half hour or so, some of our crew headed back to farm some turns closer to the huts around East Peak and the Playground, while Chase, John, Jon, Tyler, Brian, Shannon and I decided to continue touring with the goal of peering into Snow Creek and maybe skiing there and/or the Yahtzee bowl.

Tyler biffing it on the skin track
Looking out over Snow Creek
Millington’s and the Sisters

The skin out to Snow Creek went quickly, and soon we were enjoying the views of the familiar terrain we’ve skied several times. It wasn’t to be on this trip however, and we decided that our current location would be a good place to take a break to eat lunch, and then putting a couple of laps in around the Yahtzee bowl would be in order.

Enjoying lunch with a view
Taking a break at Snow Creek
Matt and Snow Creek

After enjoying lunch and the views, we headed back to the Rim and enjoyed the view looking back towards Three Creeks Lake, the huts and the Orchard bowl. Access to the Yahtzee bowl proved to be a bit difficult, and we ended up having to down climb through a spicy section of rock to get to the line with the best snow.

Looking back across the Rim
Down climbing to our drop in point
Tyler and John talking it over

A few moments later, we were dropping into the bowl one by one, and the snow was perfect – fast and fun powder. I had a great run down, but tagged a rock super hard at the bottom that produced a core shot. Nevertheless, it was still a great run, as evidenced by looking back up at our tracks…

Shannon ready to drop in
Our tracks in the Yahtzee Bowl
Brian looking back at our line

At the bottom, the temperature was staying cold, so we elected to put in a skin track up the Pyramid, with the goal of making turns on the backside, a spot I’d looked at a few times but oddly enough had never skied in all the trips into the Rim.

Heading up to the Pyramid
Shannon and our turns in the Yahtzee Bowl

Once we worked our way to the top of the Pyramid, it was as short boot pack through snow/rocks to get to our intended drop-in point. It was also a great spot to take a break and bust out a well-earned beer. Today’s offering was an Off-Grid IPA from Backwoods Brewing Company, and it paired perfectly with my view of South Sister and the Three Sisters Wilderness.

Off-Grid IPA from Backwoods Brewing
The crew near the top of the Pyramid
John and Chase enjoying a break and a beer

A bit later, we stepped into our gear and dropped into a fun line on the northeast side of the Pyramid. The snow was smooth, light and fun, and we worked our way down. I managed to tag another rock halfway down, but other than that it was a great run.

Tyler dropping down from the Pyramid
Jon and the Oregon Cascades
Brian slashing in the sun


A  heelside turn in front of the Rim

We worked our way to the bottom, and Brian, Jon and John headed back up for another lap. Shannon, Tyler and I decided to head in to the huts, since I needed to get started on dinner for the evening.

Shannon after skiing the Pyramid
Almost back to the huts

We worked our way back to the huts, and ended up down at the lake level, which required a creek crossing, but soon we were back at the huts drying gear, eating some tasty appetizers, and drying our gear from the warmth of a cozy fire.

The crew hanging out for our last evening

For our last night, I whipped up some super tasty fish tacos, made with halibut I caught with my dad the summer before in the ocean out of Newport. The tacos had all the fixings, including avocado, onions, tomatoes, cilantro, shredded cheese, shredded red cabbage, limes, and you name it. Some rice and beans topped it off, and we ate like kings for a fourth night in a row. Our last evening was a fun one, and after the usual fun of some games, margaritas and lots of laughs, we hit the sack in anticipation of our final day of skiing for the trip

Ready for a last day of turns

The next morning we awoke to more fresh snow, but unlike the previous four days, this storm came in with some wind. We set about doing the normal morning activities, including restocking the wood for the fire, making breakfast, and emptying the wash water. A bit later, we donned skins and headed out. The wind was definitely picking up during the morning, and it was pretty stiff by the time we left the huts. Halfway up to the Rim, it was pretty fierce. We broke into three groups, and John, Adam and I headed up towards the Jelly Roll to see how it looked.

A bit windy above the Playground

As it turned out, it was so windy we elected to turn around part way up the Jelly Roll and just make a few laps lower down in the Playground. It was obvious the wind slabs were starting to form, and the snow was getting heavy and slabby. We headed down and skied a line in the Playground, then headed back up to get a line in the Dan bowl. 

Hutch in the Dan bowl
Brad getting some action on our last day
Adam surfing in the Dan bowl
Adam with some of the final turns of the trip

We did a couple of laps in the Dan bowl, and then decided to call it a trip and head down to pack the sleds and get ready for the mush out. I was also stoked to grab a final beer of the trip, and enjoyed taking a picture of an Oregon classic brought back by Hop Valley Brewing —- Henry’s Private Reserve.

Henry’s Private Reserve

The next hour or so was spent enjoying our beer, loading the sleds, and generally being stoked on what a great trip we had the good fortune to have.

The crew with sleds loaded and ready to head out
Sleds packed and ready to rock

Before long, Jonas emerged from the trees, and we started the sleds and headed out. It was extremely windy on the haul out, and made for fitting ending to what was an awesome trip, and one that I don’t think anyone of us will forget anytime soon. Our reservations are already on the books for next year, and the whole crew is stoked to come back!

Sledding out

February 18, 2023 – Carson’s First Day Shadowing Patrol

After a fun weekend leading the avalanche class, I was back on the hill the following Saturday for another patrol day in February. As usual, Shaun and I showed up early and unloaded our gear in the patrol room before parking the car and getting ready for the morning meeting.

My Chevy at the Pass in the early morning

The morning started off nicely, and I headed out to help open Twilight by taking a sled up the lift. After making a run back down to base, I headed up on EPA and opened RTS, which was in good condition. The rest of the morning was spent making turns and doing various patrol work, before I headed in for lunch a few minutes early so I could meet Julie who was bringing up Carson to ski for the afternoon.

Hauling a sled up Twilight
The area sign at base

Right about noon and just on time, Carson and Julie showed up and pulled into patrol. I helped Carson get his skis and gear out, and we got him situated in the patrol room before saying goodbye to Julie who was heading back down the hill.

Julie and Carson at the Pass
Outside the Patrol Room

A few minutes later Carson and I headed out and he was ready to rip. After making a run or two off of EPA, we headed over to Peak 2 and skied down Boundary Pass and then Where’s Waldo. Next we sampled Escalator before heading back over to the front to make turns down Eagle’s Flight and Good Time Charlie.

Heading down Waldo
Cruising down Eagle’s

Fortunately for me, it was a slow day from the patrol perspective, and we only had a few incidents that needed management, so Carson and I were able to ski together most of the afternoon. Before we knew it, it was time for Peak 2 sweep so we made our way to the top of the lift.

Carson and Patrick for Peak 2 sweep
Carson and Shaun on Boundary

Carson was excited to get to help sweep, and we took Boundary for our sweeping assignment. Shaun was sweeping Escalator, so he headed down upper Boundary with us and Ken was gracious enough to snap a picture of all three of us together on the run.

Shaun, Carson and I on Boundary

After sweeping Peak 2, we headed over to EPA. I snapped a few pictures of patrol just before upper mountain sweep started, and then we headed down. Carson and I headed in ahead of lower mountain sweep so I could review incident reports and get the bean dip going,  and soon after the rest of the patrol started to trickle into the patrol room.

Shaun and the crew at the top of EPA

After clearing the mountain and calling dispatch, we held a quick evening meeting and then it was time to enjoy the bean dip and crack open a few beers. My beer of choice for the evening was a tasty Hazematic Hazy IPA from Ninkasi Brewing, and it was quite refreshing after a good day of skiing.

A cold Ninkasi Hazy IPA to end the day

Eventually the bean dip was completely consumed, and folks started to trickle out to the parking lot to head home. Once everyone had left, I locked up the patrol room, made a few notes for the crew coming up on Sunday, and grabbed Shaun, Carson and our gear and loaded the truck to head back to the valley, happy with another fun day of patrolling at the Pass.

February 11-12, 2023 – NSP Level 1 Avy Class

Mid-February had arrived, and with it was our first NSP Level 1 Avalanche course that we’d offered through patrol in the last several years. And although conditions weren’t prime for holding an avalanche class, it was good to be up at the mountain for a couple of days of fun. As usual, I pulled in early at the Pass with Shaun (who was on duty for the weekend for SPY) and we unloaded our gear into the patrol room.

Saturday morning at the Pass

Soon, other patrollers and folks taking the class arrived as well. After grabbing the gear we would need for the day one, including beacons, probes and shovels, we headed over to the lodge to get oriented and discuss plans for the day. A short time later, we headed up on EPA, dividing the groups into two for the morning. One group would go over tranceivers and probing, and another was set for digging and evaluating snow pits as well as strategic shoveling. Brian, John and I led the snow pit group and we headed out to Lighthouse Knob to dig some pits.

The first crew digging pits at Lighthouse Knob

The weather was absolutely gorgeous during the morning, and as suspected we didn’t find anything too interesting in the pits with respect to weak layers. Numerous extended column tests didn’t produce fracture/propagation, but the students still found a lot of useful information in the pits. After a couple of hours, the two groups switched, and the folks from the transceiver group headed our way and we did it (digging pits) all over again.

Jenn, Brian and Shannon enjoying a break
Jen, Emily and Alex working in a snow pit

The morning went by quickly, and soon it was well past noon and time for the students to do a little work on their own with companion rescue before we all met up below the Sleepy headwall for some formal organized probing to round out the day. Hannah and Laurie led the conversation with the group, and soon the commands of “probe left, probe center and probe right” rang out.

Students probing along the line
Hannah surveying the probe line above Sleepy

After a healthy dose of organized probing, it was time to call it a day and we headed down about the same time as patrol was completing sweep. It was a good end to our first day of the class, and I was looking forward to a well-earned beer. My offering for the evening was a tasty McKenzie Hazy IPA from McKenzie Brewing.

Patrollers heading in from sweep
McKenzie Hazy IPA

After hanging out in the patrol room for awhile and enjoying some good conversation, it was time for Shaun and I to head down to Oakridge for the evening. Brian and Shannon were kind enough to let us stay over at their place, and it was nice to have a shorter drive the next morning for day number two. We had a good evening filled with good food and wine, and then headed back to the hill early the next morning. The students headed out with a few instructors on tours to put together all the information from the in-town lectures and yesterday’s field day, while Hutch and I recruited the SPY to help set up the final avalanche scenario.

Shuan and a couple of SPY at the top of EPA
Hutch demonstrating an avalanche scenario to the SPY

Setting up the scenario is always a lot of work, but I think this year we made the most realistic looking avalanche we’ve made in several classes. Hutch dug out an awesome crown face the day prior, and the SPY did a great job of climbing up and down the slope and churning up the snow to make the debris look realistic. We put out several clues, buried six “victims” and things were pretty much ready to go by 12:30.

The SPY churning up the snow

Around 1:30-2:00 pm, the class met at the top of Peak 2, and we went over the logistics of organized rescue as well as the various tasks associated with it. Before we headed in and turned the students loose, I snapped a group picture of everyone at the top of Southbound.

The class prior to the scenario

A few moments later, we headed in and the “rescue” unfolded. Toby was kind enough to act as the incident commander, and formed the teams prior to entering the scenario. The first team in was looking for the victims that may have had beacons, and did a great job honing in on them quickly.

Tyler digging for a buried beacon
Toby acting as the Incident Commander

A short time later, a search team was deployed to strategically probe around clues as well as uphill of trees and around the toe of the avalanche. They did an awesome job, communicated with their team leader and IC well, and found a few more “victims.”

Julie spot probing near a tree
The class in action

 It was fun watching the class unfold, and I snapped several pictures to document the action. All told, including setting up the scenario, I must have climbed up and down the slope at least a half a dozen times if not more.

Grayson spot probing
The teams in action

Finally, after there wasn’t any beacon signals anymore and all clues/likely catchment areas had been spot probed, the team setup an organized probe line to find the last two remaining “victims.”

The instructors looking on
Looking down on the class working through the scenario

Prior to setting up the probe line, I took advantage of the great light and snapped a few candid pictures of Brian as well as Hannah and Shannon with the trees along West Peak as a back drop…

Brian enjoying a quick break
Shannon and Hannah enjoying the sun

The students setup the formal probe line, and did a great job, eventually finding the last two “victims” in and near the toe of the avalanche.

Hutch heading to the probe line
The instructor crew hanging out up top

After the class, we did a debrief at the top of Peak 2 as we usually do. All things considered, I think this class performed as well or better than any class we’ve had in the last several years with respect to the final scenario. Once the debrief was over, folks headed down with gear in tow to the patrol room. Since we weren’t in uniform, Tyler, James, Brian and I headed down via SDN for our final run of the day, one of my favorite parts of the avalanche class.

Tyler cruising below West Peak Saddle
James on the RTS runout

The snow wasn’t the best, but it was still fun and we enjoyed the run back to the area. Down at the bottom, I was happy to have a cold beer waiting for me as we wrapped up our day. This day’s offering was a cold and refreshing Alpha Centuri IPA from Hop Valley Brewing, and it hit the spot!

Alpha Centuri from Hop Valley Brewing

Like the day prior, I enjoyed socializing with patrol for a half hour or so after the day was over, and then it was time to grab Shaun and hit the road. With all the effort that goes into planning and executing the class, it’s always a bit of a relief when the weekend is over, and this year was no different. All in all, it was another great weekend at the Pass. Here’s a parting shot of Tyler shredding through the terrain below West Peak Saddle on his way back to the patrol room.

Tyler deep into SDN