April was a busy month. Work was hectic, budgets were due, and I took a week long vacation to Southern California to visit the mouse with the family. And, we bought chickens, so several days were spent building a coop and run to house our new feathered friends. I found myself needing a break from snowboarding after a grueling winter of ski patrol, and was really enjoying working around the house and property, getting the yard in shape and the garden in. I did manage a couple days at both Willamette Pass and Mt Bachelor, but didn’t pack the camera with me. Being able to free ride lifts in the corn snow without the weight of a pack and camera was pretty dreamy. I actually only took one photo of snow the entire month of April, from the summit of Mt Bachelor on a perfect sunny morning.

Spending a couple days making runs with a few close friends down the likes of SDN and White Russian at Willamette, and the Cirque Bowl and the Southside at Bachelor, in great April corn snow, reminded me of great days from past years. With the month of April past, and the busy season at work wrapping up, I’m definitely ready to head back out again for some more riding. Conditions are shaping up to be an awesome May and June!